Friday, 24 January 2014


here we go again ... back in the basement on saturday march 15th...

i do hope we see you there dear pals

here's rob's latest mixcloud whatsit to get us in the mood...

Podcast 014. Have some Sympathy. Jan 2014 by Ryantown on Mixcloud


Thursday, 23 January 2014

the sound of the leaves

out today in the wilds of darkest osbourne country sludging through the sleet and swamp but oh my the wind in the pines...

hem - valentine's day


Monday, 20 January 2014


heaven help us there's been seven years of this piffle... quite how is a mystery frankly but i'm awful glad regardless most especially for the tatty old thing introducing me to a lovely bunch of the very finest folk i've ever had the pleasure to raise a glass with... here's to you sweet things... and to everyone who pops by too...

dear barbara was the first artiste to get her song sung here long ago so let's have another... not the jolliest number but what a marvel...

barbara lewis - pushing a good thing too far


Wednesday, 15 January 2014

a quality assortment


okay ready let's go... bootsale bonanza final push... a bit of a mix up what with it being that sort of week and all... nice picture of hats b-side of poor side of town (that we had a while back and no i still haven't investigated darling johnny futher but i shall really i shall) and the bonus song off of the live nina lp (bonus songs on lps... now there's a thing) that was my introduction to the rivers and is utterly wonderful (thankyou jimmy webb)...

johnny rivers - a man can cry

nina simone - do what you gotta do 


Monday, 6 January 2014

into tomorrow

a whole new year underway and all properly underway not pretend new years day underway your actual oh gawd here we go underway... the sort of day that swings minute by minute between hugely unlikely determination blatant fantasty and blank staring ... how in heaven folk think it's just the month for sobriety is beyond me. i shall be needing a stiff drink and something anthemic and what with having quite the fondness for dear stockport these days this little number our lovely pal second opinion sent over via the hawley (who we like) and the cocker (who we remain slightly distrustful of) will do nicely especially it being both marvelous and bloody awful at the same time much like the year just gone... tickets please...

frankie vaughan - stockport 


Friday, 3 January 2014


here we go again...

the bootsale bonanza just keeps on coming... i still can't help thinking there's a soundtrack in all this lot or maybe it's just another nickel in the machine... i'd know the number for this one off by heart...

arthur alexander - you better move on


arthur alexander - a shot of rhythm and blues

