desert island discs... it's not anyone's desert island discs is it it's let's go through your life chronologically with the top hits of the day the most obvious flipping things you know backwards.... or you don't know backwards cos you've had the bloomin sense to turn that horror off the second you'd heard it twice.... i'm looking at you oh gawd help us ... everyone... i have a long long long list of the famous/influential/inspiring that would be roasting on a spit along with their "discs" five seconds after i was marooned with them.... this is the kind of fuckery my insomniac ruined noggin grasps at to blank out the true terrors it really wants to get into through all the wriggling hours so i'm forever grateful... everyone really knows the desert island discs are impossible to choose... it might even be better to have no songs than just eight... and besides all the ones you truly love every scratch and crackle and 1234 are always there to whistle and to bawl.... but... if really pressed i'd want things i've still not ever quite got to grips with... the jazzers that go deeper than i've ever dared... the swingers that the words still escape me after a million goes.and a hipswaying fringe flicking tremelo trembler to boot...