Sunday, 24 August 2008

ain't it the truth right now

bank holiday weekender classics just don't any more massively anthemic than this really they don't. sing along with me children...

maze - joy and pain

to be honest the only proper holiday camp do i've been to involved getting stupidly overexcited by the in a row amazingness of the high llamas then super furry animals and then stereolab after wolfing down the whole weekends supplies on the first night and spending the rest of the time wishing sonic youth would bloody well shush. it was still good though

Monday, 18 August 2008

tears all over town

that's not rain soaking you to the skin darlings that's angels' tears. angels that've been at the gin and side four of greatest hits volume two again.

bob dylan - tomorrow is a long time


Wednesday, 13 August 2008

rain rain go away

please come back another day... next week sometime maybe at least or at night anytime really you can pour to your hearts content while i watch from bed but just give us day or two of summer. please. pasty and grey and august just ain't right and it's getting desperate now sweetie really it is. pleeeeeeeeease...

maybe a massive organ groove would help. at least a little dance will keep us warm

one gee plus three - summertime

Monday, 11 August 2008

when i'm 65

...i hope i'm even a tiny bit as fabulous as ronnie spector - happy birthday for yesterday saint veronica

ronnie spector - don't worry baby

and blinding live versions of be my baby and an ass shakin' totally out luluing shout - fantabulosa


another one down

poor old isaac

isaac hayes - joy


Wednesday, 6 August 2008

double decker

peoples let me tell y'all there's lightening striking not once but twice all over my sky and i'm spreading the love tonight oh yes indeed...

my darlings i give you mr tyrone davis and mr alton ellis

tyrone davis - can i change my mind

alton ellis - can i change my mind

you'll find the most joyful tyrone davis video you could possibly imagine over at 50 pence bloke who i can't thank enough for introducing me to such a gem.