so sunday was international dawn chorus day and there was me throwing off of the duvet at what used to be just getting home time but in these old lady days is nearly time to get up anyway dressing gown swaddled and hanging out of the fourth floor window to freezing chilliness all ready to be dazzled and there's not nuffink. not a chirp or tweet or coo or caw or cackle or twitter not nuffink. not even the crows and pigeons and magpies and seagulls which are all that passes for nature round my way. not a sausage. i bet they were all hiding behind liberty's trying not to giggle. the bloody rotters.
kings of convenience - singing softly to me (live in a room version)
illustration from from the lovely charlie harper's birds and words
Will hear the dawn chorus in all it's bloody glory when i get up tomorrow morning for the stupid o'clock flight to London!
Charlie Harper? Wot the UK Subs' Live In A Car cove? Blimey is there no end to his talent?
It's the bees: disappearing bees, disappearing birds, we're next, we're all doomed, doomed.
PS: That image of them all sniggering behind Liberty's - straight out of Roobard & Custard, where I remember the birds were big on sniggering x
if only it was that charlie harper. if only.
Talking of which did you ever get a photo of your elusive rooftop redstart?
like diana says...i'm still waiting
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