Monday, 30 January 2012

double decker

january seems to've gone and had the better of me again somehow sneakily gobbling up days that were supposed to be full of oooh all sorts and squishing them full of something vaguer wrigglier gloopier stodgier so to try and get the year hell another whole new year already pointing even a tiny bit the way it'd be nice if it would please let's stick with the trusty features worn and saggy kneed...

it was trying to get a grip on that laura nyro that sent me swooning back to these treasures her doing it so lovelely and all. you can swoon too

the royalettes - it's gonna take a miracle

ken boothe - gonna take a miracle


buy royalettes records from cherry red
buy ken boothe records from honest jon's



Rob Ryan said...

Laura is the greatest ever !!!

Tracy Garnish said...

Royalettes...Earth shattering stuff.And I love the photo of a bus stop in the snow.Come in No.9

ally. said...

i'm just toe dipping rob dear - she's still kind of bothering me

and tracey huuuuuuuge isn't it - i need more royalettes

londonlee said...

Laura Nyro can be 'difficult' to get into, her first album is pretty straightforward Brill Building pop though. Start there before you attempt the later stuff.

Ta for the Ken Boothe, I love me some scratchy reggae.

ally. said...

isn't she just. but i'm entranced enough to keep on

it's a wonder that version isn't it. there's a super alton ellis one but slighty more polished