Friday 29 September 2023

stand up straight and tall

birthday last week... blown to bits by the losses defeats failures... sleep and kind words turned the brightness back up...

armouring up with awesome wonders

the independents - lucky fellow


Friday 15 September 2023

if i should fall behind

well this was supposed to be a thing about stuff  but oh bugger there's been distractions and it's been sunny and i've got new spectacles that have buggered up my arms length  distance and i thought i had the record i wanted to play but it's not there so i'm going to have to try and remember what lead goes goes where to record it and oh ....

must try harder

three tops - do it right

Friday 1 September 2023

good grief

i know i said every friday i know i did but hell if you didn't know you were in for feckless wasterelness by now... well... good grief the clamour...

anway current distractions... trip to edinburgh saw the sights .... there's butterflies about which is lovely... in total denial of incoming autumn... watched two episodes of hijack and it's completely ruined by idris elba geting on a plane with no stuff ... he's got no stuff... a phone doesn't count as stuff... where's all his stuff (well in the hold hopefully but who knows) sorry if that's ruined it for you but hell who goes anywhere with no stuff...

i've shushed now...

a dancer...

the broadways - you just don't know
