before i started this dumb thing i worried far too much that i wasn't hearing enough music that filled me with unimaginable wonder and had me scouring the long neglected 45s boxes tucked away in the few remaining back street record stores. i wasn't hanging around in clubs very much, i didn't know of any good radio and the two friends who introduced me to so many of the tunes of my life had moved far away.
and then you lot came along and over the past few months i've found some mammoth sounds and been reintroduced to some long forgotten gems. so thankyou.
here's a small but perfectly formed selection.
chris clark - love gone bad
funky 16 corners
the assembly - never never
i'm not always so stupid
judy garland - get happy & the man that got away
pretending life is like a song
jack adaptor - everyone talked about us
dusty springfield - theme from the six million dollar man
junkfood philosophy
the beach boys - let's go away & the warmth of the sun
the ghost of electricity
evie sands - i can't let go
office naps
and as a special treat here's evie
photo courtesy of szen volta's flickr