greetings compadres from a dim and grim gloomy and doomy north still here another week so it seems the perfect time to inflict the really quite hilarious campathon that was the still slender steve's go on my top ten that's been cluttering up the place for an age. being the disgracefully fickle shallow horror that I am the smiths were yet another of the pop acts i discarded as soon as more than ten or so other people liked them and they'd been presumptuous enough to produce an lp. it didn't help that the lp was dire and dishwater dull obviously. it just goes to show you can never trust no one who don't do disco. his my top ten picks are a mighty fine thing mind so sit back and thrill to billy fury and the marvelettes and rita pavone and john leyton and the tams and timi yuro and try to keep the giggling down as our butch bona omi palone tries ever so hard not to be 'intimidated by her huge legend' is thrilled by 'her prima moment' and enjoys 'a tender few minutes'. amongst other things.
my top ten - morrissey
my flipping zippers broken so I'm afraid you'll have to have this in lots of bits. sorry dearies