so five days in and i still don't understand anything other than pointing in answer to donde estan los servicios? am still a stranger texture than i should be around the middle still hungover still desperately unorganazized desperately unready. godammit. not even too sure what's for tea. hot dog i need an inspirational anthem that's what i need. last year doris's
did you give the world some love today baby? actually did help. occasionally. it made feeding ducks in the park into a purposeful act made tap turning off and staggering about in the dark and lugging blue bin bags full of a frankly disturbing amount of bottles down four flights of stairs of a sunday evening that bit more oh i don't know... noticeable maybe?
and sharing the stuff i love on here too.
so how's about a bit of the ever so richard harris. richard bloody harris. it's a bit of tearjerker and all but ooh it's rousing and swelling and i'm going to have a burrito for tea.
richard harris - fill the world with lovex
it was anne over at
i like what inspired this with her "i start each year thinking something amazing might happen" and " i keep listening until i believe that glorious, people-powered change is possible" and her stunning choice of matt monro and the zombies to see her through. i do hope doris and harris help too.
come with us, run with us