omis and palones zoosh up your riah pile on the slap and dig out your very bonaest drag cos it's only our bleedin' birthday duckies! fantabulosa!
i do like a birthday. not mine of course but everyone elses most certainly sugarplum. not in a oooh that's another year gone and don't she look well on it way but in a ain't it just marvelous that you got born and lets celebrate the day you popped out into the big old world and brought a big bona bundle of loveliness into it with you heartface way. a great big thankyou kind of way.
so happy happy birthday dustysevens and thankyou all for joining in. gawd bless ya.
the first artiste to get a go on here was the hugely marvelous barbara lewis so it's about flipping time she had another one. if i could sing i'd sing this.
barbara lewis - baby i'm yours

Happy birthday dusty sevens! Amd thanks for brightening up our shabby lives with your great foaming torrent of musical joy.
Ain't no stopping you now...
P.S. Any more info on those amazing pics?
Happy, Happy, HAPPY Birthday, Dearest dustysevens!! Will there be ice cream and jelly??
Ah bless! Happy birthday!!!
Dusty, Dusty Sevens
You've made this blog thing swell
We've loved the bona lavving
And the bona tunes as well.
We've loved the pretty Polaroids -
Caffs, Centrepoint, motels,
Seaside towns sad out of season
Pulpy paperbacks as well.
We've loved rocksteady riddims
And a touch of Blue Note jazz
The odd bit of Neil Diamond
And some truck-driving pizazz
But mostly Dusty Sevens
We've loved Miss Ally's style -
No commas, busted tailbone, but
She's always made us smile.
(Ta, mine's a large one)
PS: Seriously, I'd have given this lark up a long time ago if it hadn't have been for you x
Happy birthday! Here's to many more.
many happy slight returns, dustysevens!
we're sucking and blowing them out here downunder, dollface.
*be very so smooched*
mr.K and Shirl
bi the way ... there's touch of the eddie munsters and uncle festers in those pics, methinks. Marvy!
Happy Birthday and that! Given a choice I think I'll go to the first party although it looks jollier even though it's being held in aMorgue!
And you don't look a day over One.
A quick shufty at the relevant Wikipedia page reveals that other notable 19th January births include: Tippi Hedren, Paul Cezanne, Janis Joplin, Dolly Parton, Phil Everly, Stefan Edberg and snooker loopy Dennis Taylor.
Quite a busy day really! x
flippin eck you lovely lovely lot. ta very much. i'm touched really i am but you knew that already
It's Dusty7s' birthday and you're the one giving the presents?! That Barbara Lewis tunes is a bona fide smasheroo...thanks wheens for sharing! Hope you made a wish when you blew out the candle :)
Oh my...I am gonna have to buy some Barbara Lewis NOW! What a charming, classy voice. I'm truly smitten!
Top tune! I like a bit of Barbara Lewis. And Happy Birthday too.
Well done precious.
Don't eat the jelly until you've finished the sandwiches.
We'll pin the tail on the donkey later, pass the parcel .. and perhaps a little postman's knock?
The blog here is two? I have really come along shamefully late, then. Happy birthday, DustySevens!
Ally, you're the ginchiest.
Typical though. She throws a fabulous party then disappears for weeks.
I think someone must have had too many iced gems and tizer.
if only it was only the tizer. i blame society.
Happy Belated Birthday Ally - my blogroll which is meant tp update automatically with new postings - didn't do missed this - sorry x.
Is that Tony Curtis in the top pic?
oh how wonderful it would be if one of those fabulous queens was tony but sadly no
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