Tuesday 9 November 2010

that's the sound of the men working on a chain gang

it'll play well with the voters was the phrase that chilled me rocked me riled me most this weekend. everything else was the vile cruelness we were all expecting (just maybe not quite so soon) but i'd forgotten the most important bit the most frightening bit.

perhaps an anthem would help.


still not really sure this bit of telly is really real... curtis mayfield introducing phil ochs. maybe i've been wrong all these years and this was beamed straight from heaven... praise be


Tony Russell said...

Every track a beauty,love the sound,the honesty of the music and the vocals,unspoilt glorious true pleasure...this is why Dusty Sevens is my favourite blog.It has me banging my knife and fork on the tea table hollering 'more,more MORE' ONCE AGAIN,A DIAMOND,THANK YOU ALLY.

ally. said...

You're too kind dearie - lively to have you along.

ally. said...

and lovely too

Anonymous said...

this is just so very nice.I hope you have a wonderful night tomorrow ally,my poor legs won't make the journey let alone the dancing,but I know it'll be wonderful.I wait in anticipation to hear the sublime soulful sounds of Glen 'the lone ranger' Graingers Dusty Seven...he promised...Wwwaaarrrggghhh.i so hope tomorrow goes well for you,I wish I could come,I envy you your dancing shoes...have a dance for me...X

ally. said...

ta mister - i surely will


Anonymous said...

mmmmMMMMmmmmm...that'll be 'Miss Garnish' Ally,why oh why do I keep coming up as anon...I'll try again.x

Anonymous said...


ally. said...

just sign yourself dearie so we know. ta again for joining in