oh for sweeping arches razor angles bus seat slashes...
here it's a wretched battle with untamable brutes... psychotic twins desperate for their individuality...
blossom dearie - the shape of things (live at ronnie scott's)
buy blossom at honest jon's. they've still got that 45 of i like london in the rain too
ahhh ...
Blossom D. ... bless ...
radioShirl & mr.K
Oh, that was me by the way...
What a cool and camp performance from Blossom. And what a brilliant lyric. I thought it must have been written by Tom Lehrer so I went and had a Google.It was Sheldon Harnick (who he?). There was a sniffy comment in Wikipedia about dullards misattributing his caustic lyrics to Tom Lehrer. That's me told.
I was 35 when a barber first leant forward and whispered confidentially 'Eyebrows sir?'. It was like the thud of the first spadeful of earth falling on my coffin. As my eyebrows now begin to actually recede inwards from their extremities the remaining hair becomes ever denser and clumpier. I'm going to reach old age with a pair of big bushy commas over my eyes. Oh, the indignity.
Got bushy unkempt ones courtesy 'interesting' Devon farmer DNA, so think you got off lightly x
I went to the barbers the other day, asked for a number two crop and got asked if I wanted my eyebrows trimming. "They're a bit unruly arent they"....
by the way mr d i think my pinups saucier than yours. not that it's a competition and all
ah you fabulous modern gents and your exquisite grooming. and your super slevenote skills. i do like the idea of these posts having sleevenotes. tittivations will do though. always. ta chaps
Through a cruel twist of fate, I am afflicted by hardly any eyebrows. Whilst I was accompanying my daughter, a nice Indian lady who 'threads' in the shopping centre was fascinated by my pelmet paucity.
The silver lining is my nil stock of wax, shears, sandpaper and a mono hedgetrimmer.
Next week: 'How do you feel about chest hair?'
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