Wednesday 24 October 2012

wordless wednesday

ba da bada ba ba da bada ba

keith mansfield - husky birdsong



davyh said...

You are on a ROLL.

(Looking forward to Thigh-trembling Thursday).

ally. said...

enthusiasm building by routine. or something. bafflement about tomorrow's go has been the best spur to be honest.
and weren't you just the sweetest cherub - digging that new snap no end

davyh said...

Paignton Zoo circa 1968. Where did it all go wrong eh?

spud said...

Love this one, one of my favourites on your wordless mix. It's a marvelllous thing.

How about Thrifty Thursday? Any 45s that you've managed to pick up for a quid or under?

davyh said...

Or Theremin Thursday WEEEeeOOOOeeeeeOOEEEEEEEEEEE ?

ally. said...

oooh now there's a thought...