okay i'm trawling through some 10p show about manchester pop and knowing exactly what i'm gonna get the same old moaners and groaners and bighead rotters with the odd peak at howard and pete but hold up wait a minute there right there just after 10cc for gawds sake there's a bizarre cut to philadelphia 1974 and this this beautiful thing i'd forgotten all about...
sweet sensation - sad sweet dreamer
and bugger me but it turns out that the little fellow singing his little heart out is only marcel flipping king that's marcel reach for love king marcel right up there with the best records factory ever put out king that marcel king all growed up. this marcel king...
marcel king - reach for love
as it's a manchester thing everything ends up all sad and desperate and awful obviously but i'll leave you to find out the tragic truth for yourselves if you must. if i were you i wouldn't. i'd stick with christmas 1974 and sir james saville ...
I've got the same tea pot as Jimmy Saville should I be worried?
Well Miss Ally, I never knew any of that and I did look up the tragic truth myself and I do wish I'd stuck with the lovely music instead :(
Produced by Tony Hatch no less.
I have the 'Sad Sweet Dreamer' album, sadly it's not much cop and has the worst cover ever - it's a sad clown!
Like Davy sez.
Possibly, bltp. I'll never be able to shake that image of the reclining Saville from my mind now BTW. Eurgh.
I hadn't ever heard 'Reach For Love' but I like it. Even back in 1991 those drum and synth sounds must have sounded retro. Very Factory-does-soul, like 52nd Street. Remember them? Used to support ACR.
Sad Sweet Dreamer is still sad and sweet and dreamy, even if little Marcel looks like he's on work experience. Blame it on the Jackson Five. Or the boogie.
And the odds have just massively shortened on Saville being the next 70s pop icon to have to sign the sex offenders register.
has anyone stayed the video distance to pans people ? sorry about that.
and i think the bass player out of the sensations ended up in quando quango and i bet he was in 52nd street too
'Sadly' the video link is no longer available. Shame - as Sir Jimmy probably said - "I'd like to see a little snatch"
dick dear jimmy's back.
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