Thursday 18 December 2008

what i did on my holidays

got in truck - big pick up for blending in with scary locals on the lookout for sarcastic fags but not as big as we wanted. somehow all planetary goodness is suspended in the hire car lot and i don't fancy heading into the dessert (it wiil always be called the dessert and we we always at least smirk when we say it) in something wiener and puny and besides you need room for a stetson in there. immediately start looking for kill a queer for christ bumper stickers so we can attach the pre-prepared ss's we've brought specially. there's a big yellow thing in the sky that makes stuff warm that i think i remember from somewhere. howl with delight buying beer from the petrol station. spoil blending in when the stereo belts out the pet shop boys singing go west. saved by the cadillacs. thankyou spud.

the cadillacs - speedoo


davyh said...

Splendid. The Sarcastic Fags would make an excellent name for a band, don't you think? x

Anonymous said...

You're welcome - isn't that a great tune?

Looking forward to more road tales.

Got to was this trip inspired by the movie 'Dessert Tarts' then?


Simon said...

lovely stuff.

ally. said...

dessert tarts? sarcastic fags? now can anyone sing or play anything ?

ally. said...

betty dear it's lovely to have you