as our davy's off having a nice little rest i thought it might be nice to keep his friday thing going in case any of you lovely lot were having pangs and he fancied a little dance when he got home. so with an ever so slight deviation here's...
unextended disco classics to cut out and keep; our occasional series builds into a magnificent collection your whole family will enjoy.
odyssey - inside out
for futher information on odyssey please
send a stampted addressed envelope to -
odyssey fan club, p.o.box 5, washington,
tyne & wear, ne38 7rp.
(well you could in 1982. and yes that's washington tyne and wear.)
Oh, that is improving my mood! It's funny how often you (read: me) forget about tracks like this. It's like we just take them for granted. tut tut.
Such a great record, love the bass playing on it. Might even be better than Native New Yorker... maybe not, but it's close.
Wasn't Radio One always Portishead, Bristol?
Bless you my dear.
I'll have some Peely up at mine in ten mins once it's loaded xx
This filling in for each other while we're away...very Radio One; 'It's me Gary Davis in for Simon Bates'. Er. Maybe not, eh? x
Always a pleasure duckie and a peelie treat eh? how super. Just let me zoosh me reah and I'll be over in a flash
You really are such a treasure ally love. And I'll be right along .. after my big poo. Leave a gap in the middle of the sofa where I can squeeze in. I'll top you up dont you worry. No lemons left at Singhsburys so I'll slip some Jif in the ice cube tray. Olives with pits (which is an anagram of spit) and those cheesy biscuits shaped like tiny animals. Enjoyed the matinee of Dancing In The Street - The Story Of Motown earlier. Little Stevie Wonder lookalike was ringer and no mistake. Fancy a dance later?
Bugger. There goes my weekend post!!!
Myself and a mate at work have been going through an Odyssey phase...
Oh well. :)
Cheesy fish Si?
good to se the jif kicked in mighty fast there dickie
sorry simon - they're going down a storm round here too this most especially - any other recommendations ?
Nah, we're just on the greatest hits. Although a big recommendation to anybody is to search out Lamont Dozier doing Back To My Roots. That is a tune and a half!
Richie Havens' versh even better!
This is just great. I love this - a sort of deep yet forgotten love, that sort of cotradictory thing.
What about that other Odyssey though? The early 70s hippy soulers from the West Coast. Here's their downer to your upper:
murderous ain't it - you just know he's not coming back no matter how mucky she tries to sound the poor love
and the hippy lot oh yes yes yes a big fave round here and up next i reckon. ta for the nudge
I sent my fan club application off "in stamps" as me mam forgot to get me a postal order when she went out for "some bits" earlier. But we did have dance in to Odyssey while she was out taking me Nan her tea just now. Cheers.
It's not the done thing to rate Oddysey's 'Back To My Roots' these days, is it? You're supposed to compare it disparagingly to the Lamont Dozier.
Bollocks to that.
< dusts off trusty old twelve >
you can always rate odyssey dear and hell and goddamn we sho nuff do round here but that lamont version is a hell of a thing (and can be found round right now at the songs that people sing by the way - song in the comments))
Don't get me wrong, the Lamont Dozier one is great. But I have come across soul buffs being a bit sniffy about the Oddysey one as if it's the Babycham to Lamont's Dom Perignon.
< heads over to Songs that People Sing >
Oh a sniffy soul buff - you've got to be very careful round them. Very careful.
a Scotsman????!!! What? Really?
well i never did. well done that chap.
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