Thursday 4 February 2010


with huge thanks to the especially marvelous tim murray for passing this my way. who knew it wasn't the jackson sisters' very own wonder ?



Simon said...

That's great, I was listening to the Jackson Sisters versh on the train to work this morning.

Go here:

for some details about it.

Simon said...

And here for some download...

ally. said...

ooh ta very much mister s. it's a bit good isn't it

davyh said...

99p? Check. But what to wear, what to wear *sigh*.

ally. said...

if it's february it must be tweed darling

davyh said...

Oh. OK.

brogues said...

Niiiice! Thanks wheens for sharing this! Gerry Love from Teenage Fanclub played a nice Italian extendo/extra percussion version of the Jackson Sisters' take when he DJed at New Year. It was fab and got the dancefloor heaving!

Arthit said...

Gilles Peterson played the new re-edits on his last show. Don't know how to get hold of a copy