Wednesday 12 January 2011

for those whose names were never called

that last dusty wrencher was written by janis ian you know that janis ian that one that did this... i'd all but forgotten this overdone and wretched thing but still..

come dance with me



Tony Russell said...

inventing lovers,can be realised.You got to have a dream Ally,or how you gonna have a dream come true?

ally. said...

damn straight

londonlee said...

Her first album is terrific, produced by Shadow Morton of Shangri-Las fame.

glen grainger said...

this is one of my fave records of all time, honestly does that make me a big girls blouse.i listened to it last night on one of my bed time comps ive put together check out angel by my life story not played this comp for ages and it really done it for me.all the best glen i like girls music grainger