gee but i do adore the post office tower. well i say do adore and i know i do still deep in at the right angle the awe and wonder and well wonder just whirls me around and i know i'm being precious and snooty and spoilt but...

oh heavens where does the time go eighteen months ago the scaffolding came off and fireworks and awful and dreadful outside my window and i cried my little heart out wept stupid and nights and nights after with the curtains tight

and now still it counts us down wishes us happy and i shake a fist at the cheapness the smallness the bloody nerve

terry callier - look at me now

youv lost me mrs cos i live in my world of bungalowse wich i adore big skys big stars sea air and all that jazz, london holds no grip on me now, apart from good old mum, but you no. that recoerds like this have no boundrys truly wunderful as are your other choices since youve been back. hope you dug my tunes all the best glen.
big skys big stars sea air and all that jazz sound bloody marvelous dear - glad to have you back too
I was semi-obsessed with it as tot. It just looked so space-age - still does. Like the future had landed in the middle of London. It could have been a rocket, a giant version of Uhura's earpiece or Doctor Who's sonic screwdriver. And revolving dining - my jaw literally dropped when I heard that.
Have you ever visited?
Great site- some fantastic tunes that take me right back
I had lunch up there last year. It was fantastic.
Lovely images Ally. And I've always got a place in my heart for Terry C.
I bet Roger wasn't offered 'les choux aux bruxelles' as a side order. That's proper class.
Know what Mondo means about it feeling like an advance installment on the future at the time. I also felt like that about the silver cube roundabout at the Elephant.
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