Friday 16 September 2011


so contrary to previous previousness the 99pers are back in action well i say action if by action you mean having a chat getting rather over familiar with a bourbon playing some records they like and having a go at some of that dancing and yes indeed that sounds like action to me so action it is on saturday the 15th of october back in the betsey's lovely basement. it'd be an absolute joy to see you there petals.

the all romance rob ryan has treated us to a super special sneak preview of the evenings treats gawd bless 'im so take it away mr rob...

'Ok, this is the current big one'

step by step - cool days are out of style

'I'm still blue about Nick Ashford's death, I always think that the lyrics are what always make a song for me, but I found this thing on youtube last year where some clever clogs had separated the strings from the rest of the song and the beauty and structure of it is breathtaking ! Ashford and Simpson !!!!'

ain't nothing like the real thing strings'

and here's rob's glorious shop window nick ashford tribute in case you missed it...



Mondo said...

We'll give it a honk on our Radio Podrophenia Tuesday night doings.

In fact - I'll let you know one week's theme, you pick a tune that fits and we'll spin it

davyh said...

Did he cut all that by himself?

ally. said...

oooh ta hugely mr mond that'd be super. i've been busy catching up on the shows i've missed - well done to everybody (well you and piley)

he did - he's a champion cutter outer is rob. and sticking oner. and record pickerer

aren't those strings astonishing

mick said...

Brilliant all round.

spud said...

The string thing is fantastic - a complete piece of music in its own right.