Friday 29 June 2012

keep on learning

this week has been try to get a grip on the beach boys week courtesy of an all bases covered selection flung this way with the all the aplomb we've come to expect from the very davy his lovely self. i wish i could say i was any grippier but still all i hear are those too tight trouser notes and all too perfect harmonising and occasional funny looking gent in a swimming pool bananasnesses. i nearly get it nearly nearly but can't quite find the wobbliness that always takes me or hits the part where the tears well. maybe it's just that when don't worry baby plays there should always be castanets...

ronnie spector - don't worry baby


now buy ronnie


drew said...

Love this bersion

drew said...

Bloody predictve text. Ofcourse that should have been version

davyh said...

Lobley bersion. Neber heard it bebore.

Pet Sounds? You do have Pet Sounds, right?

parenting skills said...

Wonderful blog. It's full of great stuff. Thanks.