Friday, 13 September 2013

radio times two

 radio 4 at 11:30 can be quite the very trial. 'orrid comedy dramas in particular. and then every now and again something truly wonderful...
listen along lucky people as monica vasconcelos, marcus valle, deodato, and joyce do the inspiration information...

i've recorded it all specially for all the too late to listen and far away folks

bbc radio 4 - the secret history of bossa nova

and because joyce is such a wonder...

joyce - feminina 


1 comment:

davyh said...

Flipping heck you are a *star*, thank you, I missed that entirely - but then I tend to think of Radio 4 as being all chattering class types and The Archers; I freely acknowledge that I may be chippy and prejudiced and that this is not attractive x