i've fancied a trip to dollywood for ages, mainly for the genius name, and obviously, because like everyone should, we love dolly. after the disappointment of not getting tickets to see her (she's just about to hit this country for the first time since heaven knows when) i looked up stuff about the place and wished i hadn't. turns out it's just a theme park. with a shop that sells dollyesque outfits. you can get everything with extra rhinestones. i'd imagined a kind of even more nuts gracelands but it looks like blackpool pleasurebeach with fat americans instead of pissed geordies. and with more sequins. actually it sounds quite good now. it's the sequins that've turned it all around. i think there's a day dolly visits so i'll go then

dolly never disappoints. well allright she mostly disappoints, but when she's good she's untouchable.
buy the 'coat of many colours' lp (it should come with a free box of tissues) and prepare to be heartbroken.
dolly parton - dagger through the heart
frente - here you come again
and here's dolly...
Can't beat those super size tits on Dolly
Tits that size are a lie, and you know what? They lie more to women than to men because they say,'you're not at my level sister'. If you are at that level, then you have to be uncomfortable.
sometimes with dolly you've just got to shut your eyes...
My dad's going to see her at Wembley next month. I'll offer him your advice, Ally, but I suspect he'll take his opera glasses with him just in case...
So, did Jolene take the man or what? Just because she could? What size were HER tits? They must have been like small planets.
perhaps her man liked her personality...
The clue's in the lyrics:
"Your beauty is beyond compare
With flaming locks of auburn hair
With ivory skin and eyes of emerald green
Your smile is like a breath of spring
Your voice is soft like summer rain
And I cannot compete with you, jolene"
Nothing to do with tits or personality.
thank gawd that's settled then
Did I see you in a cereal advert this morning on TV? You were hyped. (Or maybe it was a squirrel?)
i only do adverts for weetabix, so if it wasn't weetabix it wasn't me.
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