i know surf's up and two wheels are good and all but i'm a bit more born to be mild and "look at me, terry collier - bachelor pedestrian" than wild for kicks scooterist burning rubber on a bank holiday run.drop me at the little chef and i'll be fine. pull up in one of those big old rollers maybe and not on a bank holiday when it'll be packed with heaven knows who and you might just persuade me mind. anyway i just came across these beauties (oh for gawds sake grow up) and thought they'd go perfectly with a few suede shoed organ powered instrumental satisfaction guaranteeds to get you smashing a deckchair over the nearest greaser

the small faces - own up
jimmy smith - the cat

and if there's a more fabulous camper than anything dames on bikes mel torme singing comin' home baby smash bit of film than this ever i'll be flabbergasted. and with an intro by judy. it really doesn't get better.
for more scooter/lady filth head over here why don't cha
great set of treats there!
Me's Torme's Secret Agent Man is a winner too.
Funny enough, I dug out Im Comin Home Baby only 2 nights ago, not by Mel though, it's a real cheese fest, and will feature as part of a 'guest blog' article i'm doing in a few weeks!
Lovin ya work!
Those scooter pics are pretty damn good. I suspect you may be seeing one of those turn up on a Sunday posting soon.....
That Small Faces track, that Jimmy Smith tune - scooter girls and bikinis.
*goes cross eyed and faints*
The version of 'I'm Comin Home'on this CD is a real belter
'Smashing a deckchair over the nearest greaser' ?? Whatever happened to love and peace maaaaan?
it's that mel torme - he got me all riled up with his foggy singing and dickie bow...
I don't know if it's the tunes, the heat or the pictures but I had to have a sit down and fan myself with a copy of the peoples friend...
sadly I think "stormy weather" is going to be more appropriate for this BH.
I think this might be posting of the week. If not the year. If not the decade.
Bloody hell woman, you've excelled yourself there! There'll be organs throbbing across the land. Hammond B3s of course. Sauce!
Mel Torme's Right Now b/w Coming Home Baby was one of the first pop singles I ever heard, and I used to do a pre-school pogo round the room whenever my mum put it on the walnut radiogram. I've loved those tunes for decades and I've never seen that clip, so bless you from the bottom of my heart.
Do you know the Herbie Mann flute workout on that tune? Or Roland Alphonso's 'Christine Keeler' which is a ska-ed up Coming Home Baby in all but name? Both gems.
And those Small Faces and Jimmy Smith tunes were just the finger-licking cherry-picking icing on the cake.
I'm in love again. Been like this before.
Oh, Jimmy Smith with a big band, I'm in heaven. The Cat is terrific all the way through. We were lucky enough to see Mister Smith play a few years ago before he died (uh, obviously). He was SMASHING and he kept up a wonderful line of sexy banter with a number of lovely ladies in the audience all through the show.
I love Mel's minimalist twisting - it's all in the arms. My other favourite version of Coming Home is by LA Latino rock band El Chicano. B-side their version of Elanor Rigby.
The Incredible Jimmy Smith + Lalo "Mission Impossible" Schifrin + a big band - any saxaphones. Oh Yeah!
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