Saturday 26 July 2008

back to the world

okay so the first men on the moon are all splashed down now and heroic and quarantined and heading for lives of assorted craziness and i can't think of a better way to welcome them home than with some mass moonstomping. let's start getting happy now...

symarrip - skinhead moonstomp

hell let's go crazy and get the keyboard king of studio one down too

jackie mittoo - voodoo moon


Rob said...

Hey, thank you for noting the Lewis/Lynn thing. I've put up a Barbara Lynn track up now for good measure.

Can't believe I wrote that though, because, like you, one of my favourite songs ever ever ever. Not a lot beats singing along to the Shoo-bop, shoo-bop my baby ooohs, is there.

So It Goes said...

Love the book cover. Story's probably shit, but who cares?

Simon said...

great tunes for a hot weekend!

Anonymous said...

Skinhead Moonstomp is one of my Great Lost Records (stolen by the bloke who charmed me out of loads of two tone stuff) so this was, even by the standards of 'these parts', a very welcome find. I'm waiting for you to get to Tintin in the book covers, they were great.

entrailicus said...

Skinhead Moonstomp is magnificent and will feature on my not soon to be released next podcast.