Thursday 10 July 2008

if you build it he will come

if you ask me we can always use another stupid brilliant what's all that about then sticking up thing round here and if it's a back to the future festival of britain why in heaven's name did they get rid of it in the first bleedin' place sticking up thing then we're screaming we want a skylon and we want it now and back on the southbank please where it belongs not in any of those other bizarre places like gateshead for gawds sake like some madman has suggested if you don't mind thankyou very much from every available rooftop. well alright in my living room. and quietly so as not to bother anybody. apart from the mrs who's looking increasingly like she's just about to tell me to shush.

you can help too my dears. you can vote to rebuild the skylon. just remember to pick the southbank or there'll be trouble. big trouble.

rebuild the skylon - vote!(voting closed- it was one day only)

thankyou ever so duckies.

horace andy - skylarking

there's an exhibition thingy at the southbank too and on friday a screeening of this is tomorrow and some st. etiennes playing records in the bfi bar after. see you there.


Simon said...

That's a shame, I'm out of town Friday. The Etienne boys normally play some really good tunes. If they weren't in the Etienne they'd be bloggers!

BLTP said...

You get 3 votes this must be a triocracy or summat, South bank is obviuosly best but it did look good every where it went except oz.
why no bands called skylon?

ally. said...

i refused to vote for anywhere else just in case

BLTP said...

me again
nice early shot of the thing on you tube

Mondo said...

Have you seen 'Metroland' ? It's a gem. Great tune too - I've got it on Studio One Rockers (I think). XTC's 'Skylarking' is gorgeous - but not at all similar.

Mark Robinson said...

We don't need your second-hand things in the North East ta - plenty of our own! Just at the launch this morning of a HUGE Anish Kapoor project. 'Planet's biggest public art project' according to the local paper.

BLTP said...

also up north you've gto emley moor tower as well

Anonymous said...

Voted. Can you sort out a vote to get 'event horizon' put back too please?

FiL said...

Votes as instructed, Comrade. But I wept at the Cambridge proposal. Sacrilege!

Anonymous said...

You're so right. Even thought I like the idea of a Glasgow Skylon I know it's utterly wrong. You have my vote.

davyh said...

That Skylon was great. I remember seeing it on Blue Peter. But I don't think you can bring it back cos it ditched in the Indian Ocean and parts of the Australian desert in 1979 unfortunately x

ally. said...

you must've got proper scrambled this week heartface cos you've gone all skylab

BLTP said...

now you've started something bring back skylab
gets my 3 vote.