Wednesday 2 July 2008

oh the shame of it all

pride..? heavens no. i'll be somewhere suitably dingy and awful with the windows blacked out toying with a silk handkerchief and watering down a gin with cold and bitter tears

james carr - the dark end of the street


davyh said...

'Unnatural paths' eh? Cor.

Anonymous said...

What a tune! Percy Slegde's version has been running around in my wee Broguesie head for the last couple of days after hearing it on the 'This Is England' soundtrack on FilmFour the other night. Great stuff!

Mondo said...

What a melter - it's a beaut'.

BLTP said...

Do the OS do a map with the un-natural paths marked on....

dickvandyke said...

'Probing a frigid woman' must be like an elephant having a go on a helter skelter. Somewhat troublesome in the preparation phase, but jolly worthwhile in the end.

six hix said...

see also several Dan Penn versions - the song's author

poor James Car had to be taught the song a line at a time due to drink and temperament problems

great opening and closing echoplex chord

see also Sweet Soul music by Peter Guralnick for a low down down home account of southern soul

six hix said...

Pat Kelly's reggaetastic version

six hix said...

is a sublime Porter and Dolly reading

that's it no more dark ends of streets

ally. said...

ta ever so mr hix - marvelous