Monday 23 February 2009

just you wait

just nipping out for a crafty fag. pour yourselves a large one and i'll be with you in a bit.

billy fury - like i've never been gone



Simon said...

Oh don't; I've been a non smoker now for three months. Gasping? That's not a strong enough word!!

davyh said...

Bad girl; bad BAD girl!

ally. said...

not actually smoking dearies (but god i miss it so, the smell as much as anything else and the fog of pubs...) it just sounds better than waiting for the broadband to get sorted.

ally. said...

and why aren't you two working ?

Simon said...

I am working.

davyh said...

Yeah, me too.

drew said...

Been stopped now 5 years 1 month 23 days and 3 stone ago. Could still murder one.

ally. said...

i can't believe i missed the opportunity to say 'oh heavens ... not that kind of fag silly'.
normal service will be resumed asap

dickvandyke said...

The sailors would coordinate the rhythm of their movements by singing a particular type of sea shanty as they thrusted around the Capstan.

londonlee said...

Sad to say I still have the odd one or two (or four) in a day. Don't tell the wife.

Anonymous said...

It was 1992 that my other half packed them in and I still bear the psychic scars.

Did you and the mrs quit together? Or did she have to put up with the red mists?

FiL said...

Well, we're all smoke-free here in British Columbia. Well, except for the old wacky baccy, that is. Can't move without bumping into a cloud of the stuff...

Simon said...

Well. I'm still waiting.

So It Goes said...

ally, I have the same prob...and I'm now on if you want to update. Take care. x

Fnarf said...

I quit the day I married Mrs. Fnarf. I cheated a few times until the day she cheated with me -- oh, no, I couldn't allow that to happen.

My word verification thingie is "intina" which sounds like something else I might have stopped doing when I married the little woman. So to speak.