bounders fiends and the foulest of cads have been buggering about in my doings and whatnots the dirty rotten rotters so if you got inconvenienced too i really am most awfully and all. really most. there's been froing tooing wringing and cursing and all associated fiddling and adjusting and now we're just waiting for everything to go poooof. but then what's new...
dee dee warwick - you're no good
Great to hear this after so long - thank you!
btw - the Burroughs Corporation, nee the Burroughs Adding Machine Company, was established by the writer William Burroughs' grandfather and supplied the 'Bat Computer' for the TV series of Batman! Facts for a Friday for y'all!
This feller has served me well since I had similar trouble with rotten rotters a while back. It seems to catch things others don't.
Yours geekily x
I did notice, but guessed you'd been interfered with *gulps*
Ooh, I've never heard Dee Dee Warwick's version before (though I knew of it if you know what I mean). I love her but do prefer Betty Everett's I have to say.
not like our Ally to 'Dilly Dally' thought I.Love the tune,and I have to say,there's nothing hotter than a rotter!! You can't trust a 'special' like an old time Copper when you can't find your way home.Welcome back
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