Friday 15 July 2011

folk funk friday

seeing as it's accidentally turned into glorious genres week...

ellen mcilwaine - wings of a horse



davyh said...

Flip me!

ally. said...

it's a one alright isn't it just

Mondo said...

Worra voice

ally. said...

she certainly has. the lp's a classic two tracker. this and toe hold are heavenly and the rest is like it's by someone else entirely nearly. i've got far too many lps like that.

spud said...

Still playing this from the last time you uploaded it!

I would so love to read that paperback...

Will we be getting any more folk-funk?

Tracy Garnish said...

That's fabulous!! What a naturally brilliant sound she ooozes.Tremendous!!!!!

ally. said...

spud dear - was that one not toe hold. they sound really similar i know. good though aren't they. and she's got a cat sitting on her on the lp cover which makes it even better

and tg she does indeed oooze doesn't she. lots.

oh and there'll be folk funk aplenty coming right up

Tracy Garnish said...

Groovy ;-)

spud said...

Sorry Ally, Toe Hold was the one that you posted, WOAH was the one that you mailed. Both sitting in the bulging Dusty Sevens file in my music library.

So much music, so little time...

ally. said...

thank gawd for that - thought it might've been another post that'd been zapped