Friday 7 October 2011


a week and a day dear hearts till we're 99p souling again - it'd be wonderful if you could join us

if i can track a copy down in time i'll be playing this

jackie opel - tears from my eyes



ally. said...

well that one cleared the floor then...

Swiss Adam said...

Woah, not so quick. Just listened to this, never heard it before- loverly. Especially that long low note that keeps repeating. Good vox too.

dickvandyke said...

Well I'd dance with yer ally, love. S'pect there'd be tears on your shoulder though.

glen grainger said...

thats a great tune, i love it when djs play mid tempo stuff, shows a bit of class in my book

ally. said...

ta dear - i'm midtempo all the way smoochy if i could get away with it... gee i'd love to be brave enough to do a smooch session

glen grainger said...

be all that you can be, the country needs a smooch session in this time of peril, to calm things down, slow and moody black and bluesy.