Tuesday 15 May 2007

torment tuesday

tonight should've been at least the play off semi final second leg which really would've been torture , but instead i'll have to wallow in someone else's misery. and billy fury could sure do misery.
great british rock n roll hope, hunt sabateur, recluse, sickly child, enemy of britain's watch committee, and crooner extraordinaire...

it's his later, poppier stuff that gets me - the mad melodramitic ones, but the early stuff of off 'the sound of fury' is pretty darned great too. i never made it to 'the billy fury story' at the end of blackpool's north pier but i'm off to see his statue in liverpool any day now. hopefully there'll be little model billys for the mantlepiece...

billy fury - this diamond ring


FiL said...

Glamorous parties with scores of other Show Biz stars. No meagre dress allowance. The chance to travel the world in luxury...

Hmm, sounds tempting - you think I have a shot at becoming Mrs Billy Fury? I could live with his reckless love of fast cars and passion for animals. Forget the fact he's been dead 24 years...

ally. said...

if you'd seen his haircut by 1980 you might change your mind.