so haircut 100 then. jumpers, big guitars, trousers tucked in big wooly socks, and each single not really as good as the one before.
that can't be all i had to say surely...
there was something about guitars, how in my world kids would venture into guitar shops and instead of playing some monstrous rock riff they'd hitch a huge red semi acoustic way up high and strum furiously but delightfully the opening chords of favourite shirts.
i don't care much for showing off, especially not with drums or guitars, and still insist the most marvelous guitaring is the mixed low flawless rhythm flowing all the way through move on up. drummers need look no futher than bernard purdies drumming lessons over at planet mondo
maybe the wise words of nick heyward his very self will help...
'the way i see it is that - around 10 - monkees is all you listen to. then - around 13 - you start to disown all those records and you go to discos and start meeting girls. then you start listening to jazz and getting into all this wierd stuff. then you get so depressed with it you cut all your friends off and have a short haircut and get out all your old monkees albums again and start, y'know, enjoying yourself'
'my life's ambition is to live inside a transparent rock. you must've had dreams about sitting in something and watching everything go by. it would be brilliant. not to get old and just watch history. and drink tea. and give people anaemic looks. and wait for girls to come from scotland who've got pale skin and freckles...'

haircut 100 - favourite shirts (boy meets girl)
it wasn't all cheeky grins and saucily tipped hats though. they could get the public all up in arms and organizing themselves into well armed vigilante groups baying for blood...

Christ, Alan Kidd had a strange idea of pornography, didn't he? He must love the internet (assuming he didn't spontaneously combust when Robert Palmer's Addicted To Love video came out).
My big sister absolutely loved Haircut 100 for a while. Pelican West was very rarely off the turntable in our house.
what a happy house it must've been
Well, it might have been if only the music hadn't been drowned out by the sound of our constant arguing and my big brother's Sham 69 records! Ah, happy days...
OMG! I HAD that actual Smash Hits, the ACTUAL SAME ONE YOU HAD and I had it until about three months ago when me old man chucked it (God, I do seem to be getting into a whole obsessive thing about My Father Chucking Stuff Out - call Dr. Freud and Nurse! The screens!.
I think this may be my favourite post of yours since, erm, the last one.
Do you know 'Laura' by young Nick on his own? I love it.
Ahem. Of course I didn't have the ACTUAL same Smash Hits, because you had that one. But you know what I mean x
1) I love Weller's comment in Smash Hits on the so called spat with the haircuts - 'I've got nothing against Nick Hayward and I'd drive a tractor in one of his videos anyday.'
2) I secretly always loved this song
Thanks for recommendation Ally,
And what a peach of post, that Favourite Shirts superfast rhythm guitar, and the 12" version that rambled on for days, I used to play this and Blue Rondo A La Turk endlessly
Have you heard Nick Heywards solo album Tangled?It. Is. A. Gem. - honestly. And only £1.99 new or used from Amazon
Love the Smash Hits scan, I found a load recently. Including one with a piece on the 'Sheffield Scene' by Martyn Ware he's still in the 'uman leage. Vice Versa haven't changed their name to ABC yet, and Def Leppard are playing the local pubs
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