this weeks nuts magazine is a 69 girls kissing special. you can't move these days for girl on girl action. they all have boyfriends who don't mind them fondling some other glamourpuss you know. what's happened to all the evil predatory lesbians vic godard warned us about? and if i'm to believe all that nuts tells me why isn't he encouraging his girl to get together with the little vixen who's after her so he can watch? lesbians are always desperate for a man to join in apparently. poor old vic. imagine the fun he could've had.
vic godard and the subway sect - stop that girl
i've been shouting along to ambition for nearly 30 years now and i still only know a handfull of the words. i won't be tempted by vile evils cos vile evils are vile evils is sometimes all you need to know.
subway sect - ambition
Glorious, Dearest Ally, simply glorious. I hope no-one notices the sleep on me...
Thanks for these tunes Ally - I don't know many Subway Sect tracks.
Knockout bass runs on the first track touch of the Bergerac about it (the song, not the bass).
I'm just amazed you could get a cut & blow for £2.75.
fil - thankyou treasure
mondo - vic is a smashing live turn so catch him when you can. and buy more subwway sect.
mr h - that's the jubilee for you - god save the queens
Thanks for these - a right pair of crackers. Come to think of it, I don't know the words either but it hasn't stopped me singing.
Great. Well under-rated band. Thanks ally!
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