the dustysevens wagon is ready set and rolling west sweetiepies desert roadtripping before the fog and damp have ruined me entirely so it's guide books by the dozen and a floor full of maps and a truck to rent (gun rack essential if we're heading into texas) and an armful of cds to make for zooming around the desert inbetween as much bizarre mexican radio as we can stand (quite a lot) and your hot local knowledge would be a wonderous thing dear pals. anyone know good arizona new mexico texas type stuff that the over excited but ever stylish visitor should never ever miss ??? we're packed full so far of missiles and rockets and space centers and cactuses and judge roy bean and white sands all sorts but if you're from out there or you've been or you've seen something on the telly let us know darlings and we'll be most most grateful.
and obviously no roadtrip can be undertaken without this. obviously.
steppenwolf - born to be wild
Wow. I'm really jealous. I've always wanted to do that.
Wow. Enjoy!!!!!!!!!
Just AZ & NM & TX? shame, as Los Angeles is lovely this time of year. I'll ask the missus what she recommends. I've only been to Arizona once, a night in Las Vegas on the way back from the Grand Canyon. Not a fan of Vegas, its like Bournemouth in the middle of the bleedin' desert.
vegas smells and i'm darned sure bournemouth is much much nicer. your town would be lovely and i hope we get back there soon but this time is cactus cactus catus
Lawdy and lawks, what an adventure beckons! I'm not known for my in-depth knowledge of TexMex music but I'd make sure I had Memories Of East Texas and Been Cross The Desert With A Horse With No Name if I were you, and watch the tequila. Wow.
Have a FANTASTIC time, we will miss you xxx
i'm not off quite yet - there's a devilish pop quiz to sort out for starters
is this of interest lots of rusting old planes?
or this
I fancy james turrel roden crater but i don't think it's open anyway as I've never been further west that 105th st not much help!
Oooh, I looove the desert! Love love love love LUUURVE it...
If you're in Tucson, I'd highly recommend the Hotel Congress for staying, eating, and/or a night out.
Can you pick me up a Hound Dog from White Sands??
Word verification: poing!!!
Word verification: prehifi
simon that's just scarily apt for round here.
Hello ally, I've never been in that part of the world so can't recommend any actual places to go - but it sure sounds like you need some western swing to accompany your trip. Get in those Bob Wills and the Texas Playboys and Asleep at the Wheel records now!
Have a fab time!
bltp - old rusting almost anything is damn fine matey and the mrs has been very keen on the roden whatsit for a while but i think it might be kinda the wrong way - i'll bring you back a souvenir from houston
fil - the desert wrestles with the seaside and right here in this town for my favourite places in the world and driving through cowboy country is always the best drive. ta for the tucson tip - looks good and if i find a hound dog it's yours
cocktails - doing it right now pardner
you're right, Bournemouth is much nicer. Do you plan on going to Albuquerque? It is supposed to be nice, though i understand it has more than it's share of 'ippies.
You'll enjoy Lake Havasu, if you track that far west. They have a real London Bridge you know, spanning an artificial lake in the middle of the desert. Only in America...
we've been to that london bridge - it's bananas. there's dragons and a rotting routemaster and everything. and it's sunnier than our one has ever been ever. i think everythings turning out very southwest so it's kinda a tucson el paso houston route for extra cowpoke and spaceman thrills
Nearly 30 years ago I hitched around there. I remember travelling from El Paso to Alerquerque (however you spelll it) and called into a place on the way called Truth or Consequences by a lake called Elephant Lake, I think. It was only a small palce, but worth if only for the name.
Later on I spent a couple of days with 3 kids skipping California for the east coast. It was a good lift but they only had one tape and that was Billy Joel - Too Much of a Good Thing?
i do like it when titles of lps are so apt.
ta for the tips
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