now if vince did gift vouchers i'd be buying them in bulk for the all the fine fine folks who've been showing me the way to a whole massive heap of super duper sounds these last weeks (well maybe not to the ladies. i'm not sure vince's is quite the spot for the ladies so i'll have to find something else for them) amazing things really matt munro and the zombies and sun ra and the impressions and david newman and sugarhill and the spiral staircase and junior byles and ooooh all sorts of smashingness so thankyou very very much. you're marvelous the lot of you. most everything has come from that big list of comrades over that way there but some absolute gems have come in the mail all unexpected and suprisey that i thought maybe we all should have a go on so with a great big dustysevens ta ever so mick and spud here's...
rance allen group - peace of mind
brother jack mcduff and david newman - sunny
jeff perry - love don't come no stronger
give yourselves a round of applause
Those are making me feel better already x
glad to hear it dearie. i hope they're good for doing your musclebound hunk exercises to
The Snug-fit revival starts here!
Love that version of Sunny
PS - what is a NABBA member or is it best not to ask?
it's a smasher isn't it - don't know too much, well anything at all really, about david newman but i intend to find out.
and i've pondered the mysteries of NABBA meself and i think we'd best stick with 'best not to ask'
Proud to be a part of the Dusty 7s musical family!
Vince is my body double. I taught him everything he knows.
That version of Sunny is off of Double Barrelled Soul, one of those great Atlantic Masters CD reissues - you can often pick them up for a fiver or less.
David 'Fathead' Newman died this year. I don't know a lot of his stuff either, but I remember that 'Fireweaver' was big with rare groove types because the bassline made it a natural to go back to back with any version of 'Inner City Blues'.
Nabba Nabba Hey!
I have a 'Fathead' album but as far as I can remember it was a bit dull. But this also reminded me of 'The Buggs' which is a great track from a jazz-funk-disco album he did in '79 that I had on tape. It seems you can find anything on t'internet at a click nowadays and so it proved with this album.
Seems NABBA is still going strong (excuse the pun) - I'm sorry but I don't understand this is all about:
I find it quite remarkable how every muscle in Georgie's upper body seems to be pointing towards his be-slinged porgie. And he seems quite amazed by the whole thing himself. Bless.
P.S. Word verification is "snabita." Perhaps a new cocktail for Dearest Davy's beachside lounge??
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