i saw that robert elms down a dark alley in soho once and couldn't help but shout " oi elms you wanker" at him. unimaginably uncouth i know but true i'm afraid. these days i'd be shouting "robert dearie, love the show darling" because i do. weekdays twelve till three bbc london is where you'll find me. washing up usually. it's on the i player and all sorts too. go listen. last weeks tunes were especially grand most especially this one...
nancy wilson - ode to billy joe
the bobby gentry one is farrrr more spooky,no?....
mary c
Where did you get that hat, where did etc...
I'm guessing you've already got it (or the best part) but have you checked out this Blue Note Nancy Wilson comp - fab..
we worship bobbie g round here so hell yes the song is hers but there's a mightty groove going on with nancy don't you think.
and ta pm - that would sure fill some gaps
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