Friday 16 March 2012

tear stained dancefloor

warmer upper heart burster oh myer ...

sugar pie desanto - my illusions


for this and a whole host of treats why not try 99p soul on saturday the 14th of april the betsy trotwood ec1. 99p on the door. hot damn.



Swiss Adam said...

At first glance I thought that read 'tea stained dancefloor'. Which would be a good title too. Great pic.

ally. said...

i aspire to a tea dance despite not really knowing quite what one is. if there aren't stains i'd be astounded.
and gee but they are a couple aren't they. the very epitome of something marvelous. as is that record. just my thing.

Swiss Adam said...

Mrs Swiss talks about tea dances occasionally. Not sure where we'd find one round here.

Swiss Adam said...

That song is ace.

Simon said...

lovely stuff x

gleen grainger said...

cracking stuff only ever heard soulful dress before so must dig deeper, nice one