Wednesday 9 January 2008

philately will get you nowhere

how fabulous are these ? very fabulous obviously. i keep meaning to send more stuff through the post and these are a massive enouragement. even if my letters are rubbish my envelopes will always thrill. not that i'll actually be able to bring myself to part with any. they're mine...all mine...

rex garvin and the mighty cravers - sock it to 'em jb

jackie mitoo - james bond


BLTP said...

who could say Dr No to Bond tunes..

Mondo said...

What a perfect post - James Bond collectables, Rex Garvin and Jackie Mitoo rolled into one funky bundle. Top Work Agent Ally.

davyh said...

SP: it's 'philately' - see me after school.

davyh said...

Nice pun mind.

Anonymous said...

When I read the word 'philately' I smirked as in my head I heard Les Dawson saying it in the way he did in that great Royal Mail ad from the 80s. Haven't thought about that in years ... cheers!


ally. said...

thankyou darlings - if bond films had music like thses in em i might even go see them. they're not the same without roger.

Anonymous said...

Version! Jackie Mittoo is boss and so is that cover. Like Rex Garvin too. Those two'll cheer you up on a dark and pissy January evening.

Suggested casting for the reggae James Bond:'...and Byron Lee is Skaramanga'.

Feeling better, I hope?