so now i'm stuck with stupid breaks running round my tiny muddled brain and there's nothing to do but face the horror head on and dig out the hall and oates records. i never thought it would come to this. i blame somebody else. i mean just look at them with their hair and teeth and oh jesus it's horrible. how did i ever let myself sink so low. bastard de la soul. and it gets worse and worse. unimaginably horrid. i like maneater too. kippers over at too much apple pie hasn't helped matters with his nixon and action biker version . what a bleedin' rotter. i'm all guilt and no pleasure.
hall and oates - i can't go for that
and if anyone plays me eye know i'll be straight on the phone to the hired goons. don't say you haven't been warned. oh who am i kidding it's way past too late. i've thought of it now. steely fucking dan. i'm going downstairs for some crack.
Well, I like a bit of The Dan. Always up for sarky, knowing West Coast jazzer muso mallarkey me.
But Hall & Oates? That is so, so wrong.
Oh my. On my 'aren't we big' camping holiday in Weymouth with some mates just before the sixth form, through some quite spectacular planning all we had to listen to was 'the best of hall and oates'. I can almost taste the luke warm black coffee seasoned with blades of muddy grass.
It's a fair cop.
Actually it's weird hearing the original version of Maneater again after having listened to that Action Biker cover for weeks and weeks. I mean, the man Hall can't even pronounce "shoe you up" properly. Pah! ;)
Of course, I hope you realize it'll only be a matter of time now before the J. Geils Band make an appearance in the sphere they're calling the Blogo...
Dearest Ally, in a powerful strange coincidence I've had H&Os "Private Eyes" rotating in my skull for the past week or so. And. I. Know. All. The. Effing. Words. And. Handclaps.
And as for you, Fishy Kippers, you've just gone and started "Centerfold" playing at the same time. Naa-naa-na-na-na-na...
Er, can I have some of that crack, pleez?
Did you cave and play 'Peg'? If so, you are officially the first woman ever to voluntarily play a Steely Dan record - even if you were retching with self-loathing.
Never known a group divide the genders so...
thankfully all the drugs got me me all of a sly and saved me the horror.
i quite like peg but that's as far as it goes. i bet there's a few of us could be swayed by that one but i'm not sure of the rest.
that's got me thinking of others now...
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