Saturday 2 February 2008

cut out and keep

vic godard and subway sect - holiday hymn

lovin' spoonful - do you believe in magic ?

bear with me while i try and rattle out some stuff about postcard and me and what have you and marvel at the near as i can think of to perfection in a pop record of do you believe in magic?
it can set you free


Kippers said...

Somehow I'd managed never to encounter that Lovin' Spoonful song before. It's magic - thanks! ;)

FiL said...

Dearest Ally, please stop posting those swoony Postcard thingies or else I shall melt away into a puddle forthwith.

Oh, to heck with it. I'm ready to melt...

ally. said...

jc - just doin what it says in the book
kippers - you lucky soul - i can only the imagine the joy of being blown away by that first listen... then again it just gets better and better
fil - melt away sweetie , cos that's almost it from the postcard brochure special...