Friday 28 March 2008

just shoot me

i've got all carried away and hysterical and just like the four tops i can't help myself... now wheres my pills ?

one last terrible awful ashamed of myself clue

edwin starr - stop her on sight

intros answers on monday i promise


dickvandyke said...

Right that's it. Strip her naked, cover her from head to toe in porridge oats and honey and leave her in the woods for the critters.

Anonymous said...
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londonlee said...

Is the first one "Eric The Half a Bee" by Monty Python?

ally. said...

no. and they're for all the same as you well know

londonlee said...

Ah! See it now.

That's an Eames chair yes?

Anonymous said...

Brilliantly rubbish even if I didn't need that one.

Do the other clues work the same way?

davyh said...

I got it up to the chair because I does not know what a Eames is :(

ally. said...

i thought that might fox you, but then i thought they're all stylish gents what else would they sit on - unless they insist on saarinen or jacobsen or panton or even a robin day...