that's miss bassey to you ( it's what she said to my top local news photographer dad when he called her shirley so we'd best get it right from the start). now you know how much we love a sequined gown and big hair round here so how could we not adore shirl sorry miss bassey especially in all her doing it loads better than the beadles and the doors and blood sweat and tears with massive arrangements and feather boas and the hugest singing and grandest gestures boot sale staple something lp. if these don't put a wiggle in your walk as you're trolling down old compton street nothing will duckies
shirley bassey - light my fire
shirley bassey - something

and now with extra giggling
On the 'Something' cover, she looks like she's been castaway on the Gower following Dai Evans' excursions tug was shipwrecked on New Years Eve.
Have you heard her version of 'Spinning Wheel' glamtastic.
Must have the psychic radars switched on - I'm having a diva day over on PM too
I know the moths have been at her dress but it's going to be the devil to get all than sand out of it :)
Eric and ernie are very funny
FYI apologises if it's kosher but summat dodgy happened when i clicked on the tygogal link above.
sorry bout that - it's bastard spam - i'll have to fiddle with my settings (mrs)
I'd have to agree with Mr Mondo. 'Spining Wheel' is a mighty record. Miss Bassey also gave us the best ever Bond song with 'Diamonds Are Forever' too. Check the funky riddums on that mutha.
Ooh, thank you for 'Something' - one of my mum's fave records, I think I knew Shirley's version before The Beatles.
spinning wheel is on the lp too children - and i don't think she'd be best pleased to hear your comments about her frock neither
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