Thursday 23 April 2009

get up

sergio mendes & brasil 66 - celebration of sunrise

pictures from the english sunrise by brian rice and tony evans



londonlee said...

I've got that book. It's a bit of a design icon, not just for the photos but the book itself.

Dane said...

The pictures are fabulous, and are of fabulous things and so therefore I thought they were yours. I was actually quite surprised they weren't!

Mondo said...

11 used and new from £3.60 at Amazon - I'm having one..Love the 'Haircut Sir' logo

Gabbi said...

Great photos... sunrise ice cream is gorgeous.

ally. said...

it really is a marvelous book so do get one if you can dearies

Anonymous said...

Wow beautiful track. Thank you!

BLTP said...

got my copy of the book too I think there's been a run on the market! capitalism not just there for the nasty things in life...

ally. said...

it's a marvelous tune isn't it - the stillness lp is essential sergio