Thursday 13 August 2009


no dancing till dawning no right on a swinging but a whole bunch of sulking and groaning and being stinking rotten poorly. if you could send nurse bernard round i'd be awful grateful. or anita'd do at a push.

anita harris - london life


Yr Heartout said...

Guess where this song is all cued up ready to appear in the near future! This'll put the colour back in your cheeks ...

davyh said...

Oh noooooohhh!!! Is it the swine's???!!

Word verif = 'cotheap' - perhaps what you are in right now, poor love....

dickvandyke said...

oh ally - i'll always love you - even with that carrot cube on your chin, bile on your little black dress, and the breath of a sheep-eating dinosaur.

Dane said...

Poor Ally! I'd love to send some nice cake and booze around for you. Feel better!

Simon said...

Get well soon!!!

BLTP said...

Ally, hope you are on the mend. I prescribe a large dose of Orange Juice, get well soon.

Mondo said...

How about a hot toddy? Whatever that is

londonlee said...

I wrote a bit about the origin of "London Life" a little while ago

spud said...

Get well soon Ally. Shake those collywobbles and turn your sunny A-side up. x