it's time to get your thinking hats on again brothers and sisters and help out a poor sickly unfortunate who's found a corker of a country soul tune hiding under the endless bits of daftness that clog up this dumb machine. i can only suppose that it's come from one of our fine comrades listed just over there but a rummage about while no one was looking still hasn't helped none so now it's your go. bust some heads if needs must flash the cash and don't worry about the overtime.
and be careful out there.
mystery tune ?? solved! hurrah! thankyou fiddy and richard for your clever brains
deirdre wilson tabac - the other side of life
I have no idea, but it's a corker. Sounds a bit mid 80s boothill foot-tappers - that whole scene that was a little bit country-billy. The singer sounds British anywho,
I'll do some more digging and see if anything surfaces...
Well, Shazam couldn't recognise it. Not some random demo you've picked up was it?
(Shazam - dial 2580 on your mobile, UK only, and wait for them to tell you to point your phone at the music. Wait about 20 seconds then wait for their text. Also an application on the iPhone now. It's magic!!)
Sounds like Janis Joplinish to me. But would guess it's probably 60s early 70s. Don't know it though.
ta very much for your efforts chaps. i'm with mondo on the early 70s thing and there's crackling at the start in a vinyly sort of way and i guess it called
'the other side of life'
but gawd knows. i'm off for another rummage round iron leg and lonesome music - it sounds kinda like their sort of thing maybe ?
Obscure Bobby Gentry track? Or Jeannie C. Riley?
yeah there's definately a touch of gentry isn't there. who's this jeannie then? that's detectiving for tomorrow. ta for your efforts dear
its DEIRDRE WILSON TABAC their big track is 'I Can't Keep From Crying Sometimes'
here is what the dusty 7 looks like ..,
or if you want a nice cd version..
http://www.dustygroove.com have a japanese copy with a paper cover just like the album
fiddy dear you are a star. thankyou ever so.
we've had deidre round here before too belting out her very marvelous i can't keep from crying so i had her down as all jazzy and whatnot. who'd've thought ? what's the rest of the lp like ?
and jesus that's a dangerous shop to lead a soul to. don't look children - it's not safe.
She also does a swinging version of Get Back
I've always enjoyed the fact that she's called Deidre - somehow it seems perfectly wrong.
which reminds me i've spelled her name wrong - it's deirdre
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