Monday 10 August 2009

start the week

let's start right kids

ben sidran - about love


let's all pretend this popped up first thing eh? i'm a disgrace i know

i can't believe we've not had ol' ben sidran yet - i was sure we must've had. must pay attention.



Dane said...

Why, did you hit "enter" accidentally before the song or photo was in place? Please say yes; that happens to me more often than I can say.

ally. said...

actually it was because weeks don't generally start at 5.30 on monday evenings....

Mondo said...

When did this come out Ally - s'got an acid jazz vibe, but sounds much more recent.

ally. said...

it's from 1971 mr m but first wowed me on sunday afternoons at dingwalls so the acid jazz connections are definately there. it's a real grower and all.
and was 1971 a year or what ?

davyh said...

Oh boy....smokin' x

spud said...

That's a stone cold groove mama as they used to say in 1971. Although not at my primary school obviously...

I can see that tune working with that Dingwalls crowd - sitting in the box between Chapter and The Verse sampling Ivan Boogaloo Jones and Ronny Jordan covering Grant Green covering Miles.

Happy jazzy days!

ally. said...

i was just playing that chapter and verse one last night and all and fine it was certainly sounding - it'll be out here before you know it. after i've stopped groaning

spud said...

Double decker with the original? Go on! You know you want to...

(Groaning? Fortunately, I've read your next post. So I don't have to imagine you enjoying 'Black Whip' more than would be strictly seemly.)