lancaster university early 1981 the beat & the au pairs accidentally turned into a big growing up moment. the national front had bussed in skinheads and assorted rotters from all over to greet everyone after the show with a punch on the nose and a rock through the windscreen. i'd never seen anything like it. especially our pals dad who was giving us a lift home watching us get a pasting and not helping. till then i still thought mums and dads could stop anything bad happening now i saw a frightened bloke who knew he'd get a kicking too. i still think he should've helped though the big girls blouse.
the beat - stand down margaret
Oh my! You sure he was her real dad...?
I once DJed a party that was invaded by a small knot of nasty skins. It took a lone, wee, Aberdonian lass with a broomstick to turf them out while us beefy men huddled in committee, trying to decide what to do...
I saw the Redskins at a GLC festival once. The NF turned up invaded the stage, trashed the instruments gave Chris Moore a thump and then got a good kicking by the SWP skins and loads of miners who had been invited during the strike.
Poor lambs went a running, so they did. They didn't bother The Smiths, Billy Bragg or Misty In Roots afterwards. Too busy running home to Mummy.
We used to get chased all over Surrey by the Egham.. skins... I hate those Surrey Nazis.
The Egham skinheads had calling card stickers that said "Egham Stormtroopers" with a swastika in the middle they dressed like SS Nazis as well and used to attempt murder on us students at Holloway college
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