the ar#**g b@***$d f**##~g co%$$*~#^ng b**&%y b£%&^**d b£%&^**d goddamn machine is up the b~@?&&8d f**!!%g spout goddamn it.
i'm off to the library for the useless imbeciles big book of swearing and sulking
what with glen busting out all over the shop i thought digging this out again might be a thing
glen campbell - guess i'm dumb
Oh yes, a 24 carat solid gold, five-star, perfect, perfect lost pop classic.
Brian Wilson, we salute thee.
Sorry to hear about your trouble : ( x
it is isn't it. hopefully i'll be able to hear it again one day if my my darned machine ever decides to make a noise
'Crikey love what cowboys you 'ad in 'ere?' etc.
hope you've cheered somewhat
thankyou dear - the mrs is saving the day
Cor - more Glen!
Am I too late to join in, do you reckon?
it's never too late especially for glen
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