Wednesday 17 March 2010


comrades down tools campanologists hit those bells for today we rejoice! the epic battle between woman and machine is won children won i tells you for today we have sound! we have songs! the long imprisoned are free at last free at last so rise you stupid you dim witted you i didn't do anything it just did it on it's own i just clicked that thing you i don't know what happened you ranty you sweary you ever so grateful and praise her praise her. and promise not to press anything you don't know what it does ever ever again

airto - celebration suite



davyh said...

Hurrah! And also, guffaw! x

ally. said...

hurrah indeed. she's very clever thank gawd

dickvandyke said...

'Let's just rejoice at that news'.

spud said...

Welcome back - and Airto as well!

Kippers said...


Word verification: pardyi. Pardyi on, Wayne. Pardyi on, Garth.

Mick said...

Is it really you? You've been away. It seems to be you. You've returned. Nice tune btw.

ally. said...

oh yes it's me all right. it's these knees always give it away. born too late that's my problem. I'd've been the knobbly knees queen of clacton in better days